Busy messy and dirty office

Introduction to Office Cleanliness

Did you know that the average office desk harbours 400 times more germs than a toilet seat?

Maintaining a clean office is crucial for more than just appearances; it significantly impacts employee health, productivity, and overall business success. The necessity of a complete office cleaning service cannot be overstated. However, the process is not as easy as it seems, there are a range of myths and ambiguous spots attributed to this area. Let’s see what they are! 

Common Myths and Misconceptions about office cleanliness

Myth 1: A Clean-Looking Office Is a Germ-Free Office

Debunking: While a tidy office is visually appealing, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s free of germs. 

  • Surface Contamination: Germs can linger on seemingly clean surfaces. Bacteria and viruses thrive on desks, keyboards, and door handles, even if they appear spotless.
  • Invisible Threats: Microorganisms are invisible to the naked eye. Just because a surface looks clean doesn’t mean it’s germ-free.
  • Shared Spaces: High-touch areas like phones and water coolers can harbour germs, even if they’re wiped down daily. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), regular disinfection is crucial to prevent the spread of illnesses. Visual cleanliness alone isn’t sufficient.

    Clean looking office

Myth 2: Employees Can Handle Cleaning Themselves

Debunking: Relying solely on employees for cleaning tasks can be counterproductive:

  • Time and Expertise: Employees have their core responsibilities. Expecting them to clean diverts time and energy from their main tasks.
  • Ineffective Cleaning: Without proper training and equipment, employees may not effectively eliminate germs.
  • Expert Opinion: Professional cleaners are trained to follow hygiene protocols, use appropriate disinfectants, and maintain consistent standards. Their expertise ensures thorough and effective cleaning.

Myth 3: Deep Office Cleaning Is Only Needed Once a Year

Debunking: While deep office cleaning is essential periodically, waiting a whole year is not sufficient. 

  • Regular Maintenance: Routine cleaning prevents the gradual buildup of dust, dirt, and allergens. Waiting too long can compromise employee health and overall hygiene.
  • Asset Preservation: Regular cleaning extends the lifespan of office furniture, carpets, and equipment. Neglecting this can lead to costly replacements.
  • Health Impact: Frequent cleaning reduces the spread of germs and contributes to a healthier work environment.

Survey of Office Germ Hotspots in The Office

The office reveals several key areas that are prone to harbouring germs and bacteria. These include:

  • Keyboards: A study by the Time Magazine found that phones are the most contaminated item in the office, with over 25,000 organisms per surface. Keyboards can be up to seven times more contaminated than other items that receive more attention for cleaning
  • Mouse Devices: Alongside keyboards, mouse devices are common germ hotspots in offices, accumulating bacteria and viruses that can be easily transferred between users
  • Coffee Machines: Coffee cups can harbour bacteria, including E. coli, which can be transferred through improper cleaning practices. The presence of insanitary conditions in office kitchen and coffee preparation areas is a concern, highlighting the importance of proper hygiene practice.

Health Impact of Office Cleanliness

Maintaining a clean office environment is crucial for various reasons, including reducing sick days among employees. Regular cleaning helps prevent the spread of illnesses, significantly cutting down on absenteeism. For instance, research from the University of Arizona reveals that viruses can quickly contaminate frequently-touched office surfaces, leading to increased transmission rates among coworkers. 

Additionally, proper cleaning minimises allergies and respiratory issues triggered by dust and allergens present in the office. Neglected areas like carpets can accumulate mould and dirt, posing health risks to occupants. Despite their appearance, office carpets can harbour significant amounts of hidden debris due to their neutral tones and patterns. 

Furthermore, a clean workplace positively impacts psychological wellbeing by boosting morale, reducing stress, and enhancing focus. Studies show that employees perform better in tidy environments, as clutter often leads to procrastination. Overall, prioritising cleanliness in the office promotes both physical and mental health while fostering productivity and efficiency.

Cleaning Tips and Best Practices for Offices

To maintain higher hygiene standards in offices, implementing actionable cleaning tips is crucial. Here are some best practices:

  • Establish a Clean Workplace Culture: Educate employees on the importance of cleanliness and make it a team-building activity with positive reinforcement for good habits
  • Ensure Accessible Cleaning Supplies: Provide each employee with their own cleaning materials to encourage regular cleaning without feeling burdened
  • Implement Cleaning Procedures for Individual Areas: Define how workstations should look, including regular cleaning of screens, keyboards, and organised storage area
  • Engage Professional Cleaning Services: Consider hiring a professional commercial cleaning company like Everneat for specialised knowledge, eco-friendly products, and tailored cleaning schedules to ensure a consistently clean and healthy workspace.

Choose LCS Services today!

Ready to transform your office into a clean and productive environment? Say goodbye to myths and hello to a spotless workspace! Contact us today to schedule professional janitorial services and ensure a clean, germ-free office that boosts employee health and productivity. Let’s create a workspace that shines with cleanliness and efficiency. Choose cleanliness, choose success