Healthcare professionals disinfecting the hospital

The Importance of Cleaning in Healthcare: Meeting CQC Standards

  • 28th February, 2024
  • By: LCS

Cleaning in Healthcare: Meeting CQC Standards

The concerning aggression of hospital acquired infections which are a direct result of lack of proper sanitation and cleanliness practices in hospitals has raised alarms within the healthcare community in the last decade. A study proved that an enhanced cleaning experiment in healthcare institutions in the United Kingdom led to a reduction of 32.5% microbial contamination at hand-touch sites. 

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) in the United Kingdom prioritises safety and quality standards in healthcare. Its key standards encompass person-centred care, dignity, consent, safety, abuse prevention, hygiene, complaints resolution, and transparent governance, ensuring overall healthcare excellence.

At LCS, we take pride in providing top-notch professional cleaning services in Northampton and nearby areas. Our exceptional cleaning offerings focus aggressively on cleanliness in healthcare institutions. 

The link between cleaning and healthcare quality 

Effective healthcare cleaning practices are crucially linked to patient safety, healthcare quality, and overall facility reputation. Clean environments contribute to infection prevention, ensuring a safe setting for patients and staff. A well-maintained facility reflects professionalism, fostering a positive perception among patients and visitors. Cleanliness is not just about aesthetics; it directly impacts the control of infections, reduces the risk of healthcare-associated illnesses, and promotes a healthier atmosphere for recovery.

Cleaning the hospital floor

Consequences of inadequate cleaning:

  • Infection Spread: Poor cleaning can lead to the spread of infections, endangering patient health.
  • Accreditation Impact: Inadequate cleanliness may jeopardise healthcare facility accreditation, hindering its recognition and trustworthiness.
  • Patient Trust: Substandard cleaning practices erode patient trust, impacting their confidence in the facility’s commitment to their well-being.

Understanding CQC Standards for Cleanliness and Infection Control

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) standards play a vital role in infection prevention and control (IPC) within healthcare facilities, as demonstrated by its thorough analysis of Emergency Support Framework calls and subsequent inspections. The key criteria and findings can be summarised as follows:

Key Criteria for Infection Prevention and Control:

  • Board Assurance Framework: Ensuring good IPC across 11 key areas. Between 97% and 99% of NHS acute trusts assured on each IPC question.
  • Effective Cleaning: Addressing cleanliness, waste disposal, and healthcare-associated infections.
  • PPE Usage: Proper use and availability of personal protective equipment.
  • Training: Adequate training in IPC procedures for all staff.
  • Patient and Visitor Safety: Implementing measures for safe admission, visitor screening, and social distancing.
  • Communication: Clarity in communication of IPC policies and procedures.
  • Audit and Monitoring: Regular audits to identify and address IPC issues. Inspections: 58% to 81% of care homes assured on IPC questions.
  • Collaboration: Collaborative efforts with local systems and support to care homes.

CQC’s Role in Ensuring High-Level Care:

  • Inspections: Conducting risk-based inspections to assess IPC in healthcare facilities.
  • Regulatory Action: Taking regulatory action, if necessary, to address concerns and ensure compliance.

Importance of Standards:

  • Patient Safety: Standards are crucial for patient safety, minimising infection risks, and maintaining overall well-being.
  • Quality Assurance: Compliance with IPC standards contribute to the assurance of healthcare quality.
  • Trust and Reputation: Adhering to CQC standards enhances trust in healthcare facilities and maintains a positive reputation.

Role of Professional Cleaning Services:

  • Effective Cleaning: Professional cleaning services play a critical role in maintaining cleanliness and preventing the spread of infections.
  • Hygiene Practices: Their expertise ensures proper waste disposal, sanitation, and adherence to IPC guidelines.

Hospital cleaning

Best Practices in Healthcare Cleaning

In healthcare settings, best practices for cleaning are paramount to ensure a safe and hygienic environment. The use of appropriate disinfectants is crucial, with emphasis on those effective against healthcare-associated pathogens. Thorough cleaning of high-touch areas, such as doorknobs, handrails, and medical equipment, is essential to curb the transmission of infections. Adherence to strict protocols to prevent cross-contamination is imperative, including colour-coded cleaning tools for different areas.

Training for cleaning staff is equally vital, focusing on healthcare-specific cleaning techniques and safety protocols. Staff should be educated on the proper use of disinfectants, the importance of dwell times, and the correct procedures for handling contaminated materials. Regular updates and reinforcement of these protocols ensure a consistent and effective approach to cleaning in healthcare settings, contributing significantly to infection prevention and patient safety.

The Role of Professional Cleaning Services in Meeting CQC Standards

LCS Cleaning Services play a vital role in assisting healthcare facilities in meeting and maintaining CQC standards through specialised services. LCS Cleaning Services, provides a range of deep cleaning services to suit every need for healthcare institutions. 

 The benefits of partnering with a professional cleaning service like LCS include:

  • Expertise in Healthcare Cleaning: Trained professionals with specialised knowledge in healthcare cleaning practices.
  • Access to Specialised Equipment: Utilisation of advanced equipment and materials specifically designed for healthcare settings.
  • Adaptability to Changing Regulations: Ability to stay abreast of evolving regulations and standards, ensuring prompt adaptation and compliance. 

Trust LCS for your ultimate cleaning needs!

Cleaning in healthcare settings is of utmost importance, directly correlating with meeting CQC standards. A clean environment is essential for infection prevention and control, safeguarding patient safety and ensuring the high-quality care mandated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). 

LCS, is dedicated to delivering exceptional cleaning services tailored to healthcare facilities’ unique needs. Committed to upholding CQC standards, LCS ensures thorough and specialised cleaning practices, contributing to a safe and hygienic atmosphere. 

Trust LCS to support your healthcare facility in achieving and maintaining compliance with CQC standards, promoting the well-being of both patients and staff. Contact us now to discover how our specialised cleaning services can create a clean and secure environment in line with regulatory requirements.